Our kindling is made from certified fire wood from well managed sources. It is packed in convenient size, weatherproof polythene bags so it is easy to store and is easy to light. It will take no time to get your fire off to a roaring start.
Our logs are packed in easily stored log net, holding a mix of seasoned hardwood and softwood logs. They provide a long flame alternative to housecoal or can be used along with housecoal or smokeless fuels.
This coal is suitable for open fires. It lights easily with a low ash content. The ideal coal for a natural coal fire flame picture. Not for use in smoke controlled areas.
This coal lasts up to 40% longer than traditional housecoal and what’s more it produces a fraction of the smoke and less carbon dioxide. It is environmentally-friendly with up to 80 less smoke and 25% less CO2 emissions than traditional housecoal. With this said it still produces a good flame picture.
We are authorised stockists of Calor gas and always carry a good supply of both Butane and Propane together with patio gas. We offer a gas bottle exchange service, however if you do not have a gas bottle we can arrange a contract for you. We also stock regulators for most gas bottles. If you have recently purchased a new BBQ or gas heater and are unsure of what gas to use our expert staff are here to advise you.
We also stock Portable Gas Heaters which have the capacity for gas cylinders up to 15kg (supplied seperatley), and we can arrange delivery if required.
If you have a Calor Gas bottle that you no longer need, bring it into us and we can return it to Calor Gas for you.