Compost & Aggregates
We have a wide range of compost in stock including Westland, Scotts and Arthur Bowers. We regularly have special offers on numerous products together with multiple value deals. We also deliver the best grade topsoil and topsoil/compost mix in cubic bags direct to your door. Our friendly staff are always on hand to load your car with heavy items.
We currently stock the following aggregates and some of these can be supplied in a cubic bag direct to your door:
- Black & white mix
- Canterbury spa
- Classic pink
- Classic white chipping
- Cotswold stone chippings
- Garden gravel
- Green slate chippings
- Honey stone chippings
- Large beach cobbles
- Mini slate chips
- Plum slate chippings
- Premium north sea cobbles
- Red chippings
- River pebbles
- Scottish tweed pebbles
- Yorkshire cream
- Building Sand
- Sharp Sand
- Ballast
At Wheatley Farm Garden Centre Limited we are preparing well in advance for winter months therefore we have in stock a large supply of Rock Salt.