Winter Flowing Plants
Winter Flowering Plants Summer has been and gone and so have all the bright and vibrant colours, but winter doesn’t have too be dull and drab. Their are plenty of winter flowering plants that will bring much needed colour and scent over the coming winter...
Olive Trees
Olive Trees Olives (Olea Europaea) are small evergreen trees with silver foliage and they will add a touch of the mediteranean to any garden. They are one of the oldest cultivated trees, dating back to ancient Greece. Leafy branches of the olive tree were found in...
Growing exotics in this country can be quite challenging. What with Gail force winds and below zero temperatures, the frosts can do their damage. However, with a bit of careful planning and thought, there is no reason why we cant create a garden that has that magical...
Ornamental bananas
Ornamental bananas are usually best kept within the warm, sunny confines of a south facing conservatory, but there are a couple of examples that could be considered as being ‘almost’ hardy and well worth the little extra effort involved in growing outside....